
Full overview of all your projects

Here you will find all your projects, both active, planned and completed
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The project details are never far away

Save all info about your project, including pattern, yarn, needles and notes
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Link patterns to projects

When you create a project in KNIT, you can select patterns from your library and link them to your projects
Read more about patterns

Super tool

Very happy with the app - great tool for all projects - overview of needles etc. Easy to use. Recommended👌

Mo9q, 29/06/2022


Super knitting app!

Love this knitting app! It is very clear and easy to use. A big recommendation for all knitters 😊

Kjersti Berge, 20/06/2022


Very handy app

- with many opportunities to get your projects in order. Clear and simple. Has everything you need. Would recommend this to all other knitting enthusiasts!

BFstrikk, 09/11/2021


Very satisfied

Very clear and helpful app! Best I've tried so far!

Marielleev, 12/10/2021

Do you need inspiration?

Find inspiration for your next knitting project and patterns in our shop
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